2019 September 26-27

How to build an AI chatbot on Facebook Messenger

In this workshop, you will be assisted to create a Node application using Typescript and Express. It will connect to the Messenger Platform and respond to anyone who sends a message to a particular Facebook Page. With Wit.ai integration, it will be able to recognise user intents and entities and look up data from a local database to decide what to do with it.

The workshop starts with a quick introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Intelligence and a guide on how to create an application on top of the Messenger Platform. Therefore, no prior knowledge in these areas are required, only a keen interest in AI and chatbots.

By the end of the workshop, everyone will have a working Messenger account that can be interacted with either by sending messages or clicking on buttons. It will be able to respond to small talk, recognise a couple of user intents, tell jokes or even the current weather forecast. This application will then be launched using free Heroku components or run locally with the help of Ngrok.


  • Javascript knowledge
  • Github account
  • VS Code or other editor installed
  • Nodejs and NPM installed


  • Heroku account
  • Ngrok installed
  • Wit.ai account

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