2019 September 26-27

Stephanie Nemeth

How not to read the room: Creating socially awkward wearables with machine learning & javascript

Hand-drawn sketch notes summarizing the talk of Stephanie Nemeth
Sketchnotes by Malweene,

I’m introvert. This can be bit unfortunate, when you are a person that enjoys spending a lot of their free time creating things bedazzled with LEDs… only to rarely wear them out in public. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

In an effort to actually share my weird and wonderful creations with others, I decided create a wearable project that would force me to be sociable in order for it to reveal its magic. In this talk, I’ll share how I used machine learning with javascript and tiny computers to make “fashion” that is responsive to the people around you and the attention you are (or aren’t) receiving.

Stephanie is a developer living in Berlin. She enjoys experimenting with hardware and LEDs to make beautiful, useless things.